Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Scrabble Tile Pendants!!!

photo: missing pieces studio

Have you ever gone to a craft store or bazaar and seen these cute tiles made out of scrabble game pieces? They are adorable!! Plus you can make them yourself!!! Its easy, all you need are a few simple things to create a one of a kind piece of art!!!
1.) Scrabble Tiles
2.) Scrapbook Paper or any kind of paper with a small image.
Helpful hint: I have seen people Photoshop images, shrink them down, and print them out to use on tile!!
3.) Glossy Accents
4.) Mod Podge
5.) Paint Brush
6.) Glue on Bail
8.) E6000 Glue
7.) Clasp with Chain

First thing, grab your paper. Cut out picture the size of the tile. The best way is to lay tile onto paper, trace the tile over the paper, then cut paper out. Another way is to use a square punch that fits the size of the tile. Once paper is cut, pick up your Mod Podge  (paper glue) and paint brush. Apply a thin coat over tile. Lay paper on tile, and hold there for several seconds. It will be slippery, just keep on eye on the paper to make sure the paper and tile are lined up. Set aside and let dry for at least 10 minutes.
Now, take your Glossy Accents and outline the top of the tile and paper. Don't worry about it spilling over the edge, it is a thick sealer and is easy to apply without any problems! Next fill in the square you just made with the Glossy Accents till the top of the tile is completely covered. Let that dry for at least 8-10 hours, or overnight. If you don't let the tile dry completely the middle of the tile will be wet to the touch and leave a terrible indent in the center of your tile.
(Believe me!! I've done this several times, and it looks terrible!!)

Once dry, take your E6000 Glue or any kind of permanent glue and dab a small amount onto one bail. This will then go onto the back of your Scrabble tile to help you string your tile onto its chain! Let dry for at least an hour or till permanently adhered. Add chain and wear!!

It seems like a lot of steps but its a simple project anyone can do. In the past I have seen this project done at children's parties, church events and even for simple get together with friends.

Other things to use instead of Scrabble tiles:
Domino Pieces
Bottle Caps

Take a look at one of my favorite Etsy sites for ideas or even gifts
Missing Pieces Studio

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